MIND Diet Popcorn

I have been staring at my computer for way too long, trying to figure out how to introduce today’s post. I am probably overthinking it – does popcorn need an introduction? We all know it, we all love it. So I’m just going to dive right in: I am bursting with excitement (pun intended) to tell you this great news: popcorn is a whole grain! It’s a MIND Diet food! I’ll show you how to make a few small tweaks to ensure your popcorn is MIND Diet Popcorn.

A white bowl filled with MIND Diet Popcorn sits on a marble surface. Popcorn kernels are scattered beside the bowl.

How to Make MIND Diet Popcorn

First off, make sure you are popping your popcorn from plain kernels, not from microwavable bags or any sort of pre-made product. This will ensure that you are not eating any oils that are not MIND Diet-compliant. Making popcorn from scratch is also way more affordable. I’m sure there are some fancy-schmancy kernels out there, but I usually just get these from my local Target:

So, you’ve got your plain popcorn kernels – now how do you cook them? While there are microwavable containers for making popcorn in the microwave, I prefer to make it on the stovetop. Microplastics can be released into the food when a plastic container is microwaved, so I avoid using these products. Instead, I use a Whirley-Pop:

You do not have to go out and get an old-timey popcorn-making gadget if you don’t want to. You can pop the kernels on the stove using a big pot with handles and a lid and a kitchen towel or oven mitts. (Though the Whirley-Pop might be a great thing to put on your Christmas list!)

Ok, you’ve got your kernels and your pot. Next you just need a little avocado oil. I like using avocado oil to make popcorn because it can take the high heat from the stove. It also makes the popcorn taste better, helps any toppings stick to the kernels, and helps keep you fuller, longer.

Once you’re ready to make your popcorn, place the pot or Whirley-Pop on the stove and turn the heat to high. Add about two tablespoons avocado oil and 1/3 cup popcorn kernels. Place the lid on the pot. Once the kernels start to pop, either constantly stir the Whirley-Pop, or frequently shake the pot (safely perform this step by using a towel or oven mitts to hold the lid onto the pot and carefully shake). Do not leave the towel or mitts on the stove so they don’t accidentally burn.

Continue stirring or shaking until the popping subsides to about one pop per second. Remove the popcorn from heat, add toppings (discussed below), serve, and enjoy!

Two white bowls filled with MIND Diet Popcorn sit on a marble surface. Popcorn kernels are scattered beside the bowl. A jar of kernels sits in the background.

Toppings for MIND Diet Popcorn


Reader, I would never tell you not to put butter on your popcorn if you really feel like having buttered popcorn. Remember, we are not about restriction here. However, if you are wanting to stay within the MIND Diet guidelines, melt less than one tablespoon of butter per person and drizzle it on your popcorn. A little butter does go a long way here. If you do not want buttered popcorn, I have some other ideas for you below.


The MIND Diet does not have a specific parameter for salt, but it does recommend keeping sodium on the low side. Feel free to add a little salt to your popcorn if desired, just be mindful to not add very much if you are wanting to stay within MIND Diet guidelines. (If you are on a restricted sodium diet for health reasons, please follow your doctor’s advice.)

nutritional yeast

Often used as a plant-based cheese alternative, nutritional yeast makes a delicious, brain-healthy, MIND Diet-compliant popcorn topping. It adds savory flavor and is packed with B vitamins and an important antioxidant called glutathione. Sprinkle your popcorn with nutritional yeast to taste.

Garlic Dill Pickle Popcorn Seasoning

Last but definitely not least is my favorite popcorn topping: Garlic Dill Pickle Popcorn Seasoning from Savory Spice Shop. (I am not affiliated with Savory, I just love their products and have been using them for years.) This topping is so delicious – it’s got a little dill, a bit of garlic, and some vinegar tang. It is high in sodium, so you’ll want to keep an eye on how much you use. Kick it up another notch by pairing Garlic Dill Pickle with nutritional yeast. It’s so savory and yummy you won’t even miss the butter.

A white bowl filled with MIND Diete Popcorn sits on a marble surface. Popcorn kernels are scattered beside the bowl.

I hope showing you how to make MIND Diet Popcorn inspires you to make this brain-healthy snack. Let me know what popcorn toppings you love in the comments. Happy MIND Diet snacking!

Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases from Amazon.com. I only recommend products I use for myself and my family.





Hi there! I’m Cassidee. I’m a certified Brain Longevity Specialist and Medical Laboratory Scientist, member of the Sandwich Generation, cat mom, Mountain West inhabitant and enthusiast, foodie, lifelong science nerd, and person with a family history of neurological disorders. Applying the science of brain health to my daily life has changed my life, and I have a passion for sharing how with others.


6 responses to “MIND Diet Popcorn”

  1. Free KetoDietRecipes & Guides Avatar

    Loved this post – –

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    great post – thanks !!

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  3. Free KetoDietRecipes & Guides Avatar

    Great Read Can i leave my thoughts ?! –

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  4. Jill Mills Avatar
    Jill Mills

    I came to your site for the blueberry crisp recipe and accidentally stumbled into the snack section. Now I have to get the whirly pop out and add garlic dill pickle seasoning to my shopping list! Mmmm popcorn….

    1. minddietliving Avatar

      You will love it, especially with some nutritional yeast!

  5. Jen Avatar

    What is a Mind Diet serving of popcorn?

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