MIND Diet Living Thanksgiving

Readers, I just wanted to let you know that there will not be a post next week. I’ll be spending time with my family and cleaning out my kiddo’s play room in anticipation of the deluge of Christmas gifts (please send me positive vibes!). I hope you have an abundance of joy and gratitude over the coming weeks.

If you are a caregiver or loved one of a person living with dementia, you are especially in my thoughts this time of year. Find peace where you are able, mourn what you need to mourn, and try to spend a few moments each day taking care of you. You are important, and you deserve it. I am sending you all my love and gratitude for the work you do.

Photo by Anna Tukhfatullina

Now, let’s get back to food. If you still don’t know what to bring to Thanksgiving dinner, might I humbly recommend Citrus Beet Salad? That’s what I’m bringing. Just click on that link for the recipe, and ignore the salmon parts. I made it last year and it was such a beautiful contrast to the typical rich, heavy, beige Thanksgiving fare.

Are you dreading all that leftover turkey? Let’s be real, it’s never as good the next day (or three). I’ll be turning my turkey into soup, using my recipe for Chicken and Wild Rice Soup. Instead of using raw chicken breasts, you will simply chop up some leftover turkey and add it at the end, letting it cook until it’s warmed through.

I hope that gives you some ideas if you still need them. Have a happy and safe holiday, and I’ll meet you back here the following week. I am so grateful I get to share this space with you.

Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases from Amazon.com. I only recommend products I use for myself and my family.





Hi there! I’m Cassidee. I’m a certified Brain Longevity Specialist and Medical Laboratory Scientist, member of the Sandwich Generation, cat mom, Mountain West inhabitant and enthusiast, foodie, lifelong science nerd, and person with a family history of neurological disorders. Applying the science of brain health to my daily life has changed my life, and I have a passion for sharing how with others.


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    Sherry Thompson


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